Jan 10, 2007

Blue Mountain Boarding is Back!

Just days after the closure of Blue Mountain in Collingwood made the front page of Toronto's major papers, it appears trails have reopened and the snow report is looking up. It's great news for skiers and snowboarders patiently waiting to hit the slopes in Ontario again. Only two trails are open for now, Smart Alec and Tranquility, both which feed into the Village at central base, but snowmaking is happening on several others.

The week before Christmas I got in one day of boarding - on a base of only about 25cm - but it looks like, after the snow last night, there's already a little more powder to play with. This season I rented a chalet with friends and paid full price for a season pass so I've been anxious to see the snow start falling. It might have been delayed but I think it's here to stay.